Transfer of Troubles; …Sai@366 – 18th December….Audio

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Voice support and English Translation Edited by  : Sai Sujatha

On December 18th, 1911, SAIBABA said to Khaparde that ‘You are filling my Bucket and enjoying the coolest breeze from the neem tree when without sleep I am bearing all the difficulties’.

Many request for Physical desires from the Great People like SAIBABA. For devotees The Great Men used to tolerate the difficulties.

Once, Swamy Rama was travelling on country tour with His Guru when he was 12 years old. They both got down at a Railway Station called Eeta.

Swamy Rama told his Guru that he was feeling hungry. Then He went to the Station Master and told him that My boy is felling hungry and asked for food.

They got them at the station and Station master went to his house.

Station Master was having only one son. He was suffering with smallpox and was bedridden. The boy’s condition was very difficult.

Then he asked his wife ‘whether she can cook for the Saints’. Anyone in the situation would get angry. She also became angry.

Her mind’s condition was not stable and was not in a position to cook. Station Master has returned to the station.

How he would tell them he could not get food is not available, he was thinking.  He also if He is a real saint, then the boy would be saved from small pox without fail he felt.

After arriving at station he took both Gurujee and the boy to his home.

Gurujee has taken one glass of water. After taking the water, he roamed three times around the bed of the ailing boy and said do not worry, within two minutes that boy would be healthy..

Then, the total smallpox blisters transferred on Gurujee’s body immediately. All the present there were watching.

After seeing this Swamy Rama started weeping. Swamy Rama and his Gurujee both have come out and Gurujee has sent the disease to one tree. After some time, that tree has come to the ordinary state.

SAIBABA has done it similarly. He has taken the blisters of Plague of Khaparde’s son on Him. He has taken Vaman Narvekar’s fever on Him. There were many such incidents.

The Great Person like SAIBABA used to do this only.

Let us pray SAIBABA to grant us power to tolerate the troubles.

Otherwise SAIBABA takes them and He takes our difficulties and suffers for our troubles,

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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