Baba Uudhi saved my grandson.

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Before I start my story, I would like to thank Lord Sai Baba for blessing me in every step of my life.

Please excuse me if I unknowingly say anything that hurt anyone.

I would like to dedicate my love and devotion to his feet.

I sincerely pray and ask Sai Baba to make me his devotee for life time so that I can do his seva, experience his miracles and be his hallow forever.

On this note. Let me tell you my story.

I have a sister who got married recently. There were many complications coming up after her marriage.

She was not pregnant as soon as she was married.

Her family believes is old customs and traditions where the girl who comes into family should conceive a baby within a year.Otherwise she is unfit to maintain a family with her husband and is sent back to her maiden home.

Her father in law practices black magic which was very powerful. They were called as super powers that he had.

One day he called me and asked me to take away my sister with me as she was not pregnant. 

I was completely broken and upset. Within me, I was asking Sai Baba “Baba, what is this test again to me?” Suddenly I had a gut instinct that Sai Baba will help me and will save my sister at any cost.

I was confident and challenged that old man saying “If you have super powers, my Baba has more than just super powers.

He will take care of my sister here. I am not taking her home with me without her fault”.

After few days, my sister was pregnant. I got her home till delivery. She was having severe stomach pain all the time.

I used to mix Uudhi in water and give her. She used to feel better.

One day, her pain was unbearable. There was no Uudhi at home.

I lit aagarabatti, took those ashes to Sai Baba idol, placed them near his feet, mixed it with water and gave her.

Her pains were gone. She was suffering from these pains because of black magic her in laws were doing on her.

However, with Sai Baba blessings she conceived a baby boy. Mother and baby are healthy.

Her in-law family also admitted that Sai Baba power is the greatest and kills all the evil and negativity around us.

When I narrated this story to Madhavi, she said in Sai Charithra also, Baba changed mind of Kushabhau, the man who used to do black magic and troubled people.

All our lives and experiences are part of Saicharitra only.

Sada Shiva.


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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

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