Why should anyone fear when I am here? —-Sai Baba

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Why should anyone fear when I am here? —-Sai Baba

“Why fear while I am here”

Sai Baba told hundreds of thousands of his devotees all over India while alive and after his mahasamadhi.

His words of wisdom and advice extended to every aspect of day to day life and its problems.

He often spoke in parables and they had deep meanings and significance which were not lost on his devotees.

Baba’s selected assurances:

Dwarakamai wards off all dangers and anxieties from her children. Highly merciful is this Masjid Ayi.

She is the mother of those who place their entire faith in her. If they are in danger she will save them.

Once a person claims into her lap all his travails will be over.

He who sleeps in her shade attains bliss.

As soon as one climbs the steps of Dwarakamai Mayi sufferings due to karma are at an end and joy begins.

That Fakir (God) is very kind and will relieve your troubles.

My eye of vigilance and supervision is ever on those who love me.

Whatever you do, wherever you may be ever, bear this in his mind –That I am always aware of everything you do.

If one ever meditates on me, repeats my name, sings my deeds and is thus transformed in to me, one’s karma is destroyed. I stay by his side always.

You should have truth always with you. Then I shall always be with you wherever you are and at all times.

If one ever dwells on me in his mind and will not even taste food before offering it to me I am his slave.

So also if he hungers and thirsts after me and treats all else as unimportant.

Look to me and I will look to you.

Trust the Guru fully. That is the only sadhana. Guru is all of Gods.

Simply say “Sai Sai” with heart over flowing.  I care not for show of respect and forms. I rest in such devotees.

I am formless and everywhere.

If any casts on his burden on me and thinks of me I look after all his concerns.

In this abode of my devotees there shall be no dearth of food and clothing.

If a devotee is about to fall I stretch out my hands to support him. I will not let him fall.

I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with her children? Will the ocean send back the water to the several rivers? I love devotion. I am the slave of my devotees.

People come and say, Baba give. I tell them to take. No one takes.

My tomb will speak and move with those who take their refugee.

As soon as a devotee calls me with love I will appear. I require no train to travel.

All that is seen in my form: ant, fly, prince, pauper. Sometimes I come as Dog, sometimes as pig.

I look equally on all. Not a leaf moves except by my grace. I look at all with equal eyes.

God has agents everywhere, they have vast powers. I have very great powers.

I draw my devotees to me at the time of his death even though he may die a thousand miles away (From Shirdi)

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

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