Assistance of a Word …. …Sai@366 – 15th April…Audio

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Voice support and English Translation Edited by  : Sai Sujatha

Many people would not know Damodar Ghanashyam Babre’s name, but Anna Chinchineekar’s name is a household name for SAI BABA’s devotees.

Santana Lakshmi lives in Shirdi in the form of SAI BABA. Many have got children there.

Shyama asked SAI BABA once, ‘Deva! You fulfil all the wishes of many. But why don’t you give children to this Anna Chinchineekar and Lakshmi Bai although they serve you?’

‘If anyone asks anything, have I not given to them at any time? Has it happened any time? This couple did not ask me anything. If you wish, you can ask them.

If they really want a child, I would definitely give. However, his clan continue for only one generation. So I would like to keep his name forever’ thus told SAI BABA to Shyama.

SAI BABA made the names of that couple to remain forever, but how? Anna has won huge amount of money in a court case judiciously. When he wanted to donate it to SAI BABA, He refused it by saying that He does not require any money as He was a Fakir. At last Kaka Saheb Dixit advised Anna Chinchineekar to utilise that money for repairs of Chavadi and he followed it.

An inscription written on a Stone Board as ‘Shree Sainath Babanchi Lakshmibai, Damodar Babre Chinchaneekar Chavadi, Sha.Ka. 1859’ was installed at the entrance of Chavadi.

Not only this, Anna has written his property to Sansthan through his will.

That money was useful for Naivedyam and Deeparadhana (Prasad Offering and Litting a light) after the Mahasamadhi of SAI BABA. The couple of Anna Chinchaneekar were memorable indeed.

Anna had recognised that the pension of Hemad Pant who retired as Deputy Collector was not enough and he had not saved any money. So Anna asked SAI BABA to show him mercy, the pension was not enough for his family. His family was growing. Just remove his anxiety. Grant him joy. It was prayer for others not for self.

Anna Chinchaneekar merged in SAI BABA on April 15th, 1920.

One cannot assist financially, however can assist others through a word like Anna,

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Late. Chaganty Sai Baba.

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