Did you not see the crow? He won’t come again

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Dr. Chidambaram Pillay was an intimate Bhakta of Baba.

He loved Baba much and even Baba would inquire about him very lovingly and used to call him Bhau (brother).

Morning and evening Bhau’s place was near the hand railing, on which Baba used to rest his left arm while sitting in the Mosque (Dwarkamai).

There were lots of mutual exchanges of ideas between Baba and Bhau. While smoking a chillum, Bhau had to be there. 

Bhau’s presence was imperative always and was needed while taking decisions in any matter. Baba talked with him off and on and consulted him in all matters.

Baba used to take on himself much suffering on behalf of his devotees who were passing through inevitable karma due to their actions in earlier lives. 

This Pillay suffered very badly from guinea-worms. 

He said to Kakasaheb Dixit, “The pain is most excruciating and unbearable. I prefer death to it.

This pain, I know, is for repaying past Karma, but go to Baba and tell Him to stop the pain and transfer the working of my past Karma to ten future births of mine.” Dixit went to Baba and told him his request. 

Then Baba, being moved by his request, said to Dixit, “Tell him to be fearless. Why should he suffer for ten births? In ten days, he can work out the sufferings and consequences of his past Karma. 

While I am here to give him temporal and spiritual welfare, why should he pray for death? Bring him here on somebody’s back and let us work and finish his sufferings once for all”.

The doctor was brought in that condition and was seated on Baba’s right side, where Fakir Baba always sat. Baba gave him his bolster and said,

“Lie calmly here and be at ease. The true remedy is, that the result of past actions must be suffered and got over. Our Karma is the cause of our happiness and sorrow; therefore, put up with whatever comes to you. Allah (God) is the sole Dispenser and Protector, always think of Him. He will take care of you. Surrender to His feet with body, mind, wealth and speech, i.e. completely and then see what He does.”

Dr. Pillay said in return that Nanasaheb had put a bandage over the leg, but Dr.Pillay found no relief. “Nana is a fool,” replied Baba.

“Take off that bandage or else you will die. Now a crow will come and peck you, and then you will recover.”

While this conversation was going on, Abdul, who always cleaned the masjid and trimmed the lamps, turned up in the masjid.

While Abdul was attending to his work of trimming, his foot accidentally fell upon the stretched leg of Dr. Pillay.

The leg was already swollen and when Abdul’s foot fell upon it and pressed it, all the seven guinea-worms were squeezed out at once. T

he pain at once became unbearable and Dr. Pillay bawled out loudly. After some time, he calmed down and began to sing and cry alternately. 

Then Pillay enquired when the crow was coming for pecking. Baba said,

“Did you not see the crow? He won’t come again.Abdul was the crow. Now go and rest yourself in the Wada and you will be soon all right.”


By application of the Udi and by taking it in the stomach with water, and without taking any other treatment or medicine, the disease was completely cured in ten days as promised by Baba.

Baba’s life was replete with several instances where Baba Himself took over the illness/suffering of the devotees and reduced or eliminated the karma of the devotees

By : Mrs. Maheshwari

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