Khaparde Dairy -80…Audio

Sai Baba   ...   Sai Baba ...   Sai Baba  ...   Sai  Baba (click here)

Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Voice By: Sai Sujatha

1912 14th February  Wednesday (Shirdi)

I got up early, attended the Kakad Arti & was very much struck by the fact that Sayin Baba, on leaving the Chavadhi made passes with his short stick towards the East, north & South.

Then he proceeded with hard words as usual. We held our Panchadasi class as usual, saw Sayin Baba go out and later on went to the Masjid as usual.

Sayin Baba told two stories. One was that there was a traveler who was accosted in the morning by a demon (Rakshasa).

The traveller looked upon it as a bad omen, but on proceeding further met two wells the sweet water of which slaked his thirst.

When he felt hungry, he met a husbandman who on the suggestion of his wife, supplied food.

He saw a field ripe with corn & wished to have Hurda. The owner of the field gave it to him.

So the traveller felt happy & proceeded merrily smoking. In the forest through which he was passing he met a tiger, lost courage & hid himself in a cave.

The tiger was very big & wandered about him.

Sayin Baba happened to be passing that way instilled courage into the traveller, got him out & put him on his way saying “the tiger would not hurt unless you hurt him some way.

”The other story was that Sayin Baba had four brothers, one of whom used to go out, beg & bring cooked food, bread & corn.

His wife used to give out just enough for their father & mother but starved all the brothers.

Sayin Baba then got a contract, brought the money home & every one was supplied with food including the well-to-do brother.

Later on the brother got leprosy. Every one shunned him. The father turned him out. Then Sayin Baba used to feed him & see to his comfort. Ultimately the brother died.

The midday Arti passed off as usual & after it we had our food & I had some rest. Shivanand Shastri, & Thakur of Vijayadurga went away today.

The Vyaki of the local master invited all to a meal today. I declined but all others went.

Sayin Baba, at the evening stroll asked why I did not go & I told him the truth, that I could not manage two meals in the course of one afternoon.

Sayin Baba looked immersed in care, gazed steadily at the East & West, & Dismissed us all with the usual words “Go the Wada.”

At night Bhishma had his Bhajan and Mr Dixit read Ramayan.

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