If you look to me I look to you

Sai Baba   ...   Sai Baba ...   Sai Baba  ...   Sai  Baba (click here)

Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

I have had several miraculous experiences in my life and I attribute them to SAI BABA.

I would like to share one of my recent experiences. Four months ago, I decided to take part in a race per one of my friend’s suggestion.

She has had several years of experience in doing this race while this was my first. She was very much willing to help me with the training and she did.

We had a great training schedule and it all went well until the last three weeks before the race.

I started having problems that I did not know the cause of. I just did not feel even close to how I was feeling prior to this. In fact, it kept getting worst.

I was really worried since my family and I had invested so much in me succeeding this challenge.

Moreover my friends and colleagues were quite aware of me doing this and it was a question of embarrassment should I have to drop out.

I did not know what I was going to do. All along, my friend and I were making plans to finish the race together.

This seemed impossible since I could not even do 1/4th of the race without having problems while my friend was getting stronger every day.

At this point, I talked to Baba, told him how important this is for me, and asked if he could help me.

As always, like Baba says, “If you look to me I look to you”, he immediately heard my prayer and I started feeling better.

In fact, in the last issue of Sai Vichaar, I had read about how we don’t need to take any medicine if we have faith in Baba- Vibhuti (udi).

I stopped taking any pain-related medicine and until now, I have still not taken one, even after my race.

We started our race and half way into the race, my pain started again. I told Baba to please continue to help me.

Like a miracle, my pain disappeared. I had a desire to finish the race with my friend and she was quite a bit ahead of me so I had no hope that I would be able to.

As I got close to the finish, all of a sudden I saw my friend next to me.

I could not believe my eyes since she was so much ahead of me all along. We both finished together in the time we had desired.

It was a pure example of another one of Baba’s miracle. I can not thank Him enough for helping me and my family every every step of the way.

I can go on and on describing how in the day-to-day life Baba comes to my rescue like he is always there, you just have to call upon him.

Pranam and Thank you Baba

Nila Vaishnav

Marquette, Michigan

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

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Sai Baba Miracles