Know how to serve! …Maheneeyulu – 2020 – 14th March.

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

‘I do not have no other concentration than My Guru, I do not have no other aim too’ SAI BABA used to say.

Could find rarely, those who love Guru as SAI BABA. Saligram Rai was born on March 14th in the year 1829 at Agra.

He joined as a clerk in Postal Department, through his efforts he elevated as Post Master General.

He was the first Indian to elevate to that position in British Rule. His spiritual thinking has become more.

He wanted to leave the job, but British Government said no. His Guru is Shivadayal.

There was no deficiency in his Guru Seva, though he was in a High Position or took Retirement,

He used to bring water from two miles distance after pulling water from the well in a Road that was all pins, despite scorching sun and gave the water to his Guru in an earthen pot. This was only one example.

One Midnight, the Guru asked Saligram ‘Who will bring my Hukka?’. All his disciples used to bring the Hukka slowly from outside.

Salegram wanted that there should not be any delay in bringing the Hukka to his Guru, jumped from the upstairs and brought Hukka and presented to Guru. 

One day afternoon, there was a heavy sunlight. Guru asked for water.

At that time Saligram wearing dhoti only, covering his body with a shawl and without even chappals he ran and brought water.

One beggar standing at the gate asked water. Then Saligram has given an Earthen Pot with the water to that beggar. After drinking the water, that beggar has gave him back an Earthen Pot.

Saligram does not like to give that water to his Guru. He went more speedily to the well, there that Earthen Pot was broken.

Immediately, he wanted a buy a new earthen pot and went to a shop. ‘I do not have the money. Tomorrow I would give you. Pease give me an earthen pot’ asked to shop owner by Saligram.

The shop owner, did not give and said ‘I wont give. Take it tomorrow only after giving the money’.

Then Saligram has gave the shawl he was covering his body to the shop owner and said keep this shawl. Keep this till I would give you the cost of an earthen pot.

That shop owner has given him an earthen pot, Immediately he filled it with the water, without chappals and covering his body with dhoti he has gone to his Guru  taking the water pot on his shoulders.

He was still Post Master General then. What people’s thinking, he has not bothered.

One of his childhood friends has come once to Saligram after drinking the liquor.

‘Wont you stop taking the liquor just in front of me’ asked Saligram.

The friend said ‘Yes’. Whenever he wish to take the liquor, immediately Saligram used to appear before him.

On knowing the power of his friend, he shopped the Liquor and thus becoming a good disciple.

Today was 14th March. Saligram’s birth anniversary. Saligram was the Guru of Radhasoami ji Satang Tradition. Let us habituate to the Guru’s Devotion.

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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