There is no worst Position, only Higher Position! …Maheneeyulu – 2020 – 15th June.

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Augustine was an intellectual. He was great Orator too. He felt proud of it.

In his childhood itself, he developed various bad habits. He was leading a moral less life. Both his parents were Christians.

 His mother wanted to make him a true Christian. Her name is Mounika.

He was not able to control Mental and Physical needs of the body. He became father through a Mistress at the age of 19 only.

Mounika prayed God with tears. Her entire life was tears only.

Past was haunting Augustine. He took Baptisam. He read life story of Saint Anthony once.

In it two of the sinners become good people. He felt that nameless, uncivilized Persons like them became good, why would not he change.

He sat in the garden with pain. He heard a beautiful sound that ‘Take and see, And read it’.

Immediately he went to the room where he opened the book Bible where he found writing saying, “There won’t be happiness in mischievousness and drunkenness. There won’t be happiness in Theft, Recklessness, the fights without the purpose, Jealousy. You have to rely on God Jesus, not on Body with blood and Flesh”. His doubts and darkness got cleared by these words.

Later Augustine wrote ‘God will have a separate relation with every soul’. That book was named “Confessions”. He was the first person to write about Spiritual Biography.

He became Bishop in Hippo Church. People told him to elsewhere, that city will be invaded by enemies.

He didn’t agree for the proposal. He left his body there itself.

Then the enemies invaded that place and burnt it. But his church and library were not burnt in the fire.

SAI BABA used to say that do not blame others.

Augustine wrote on dining tables that ‘never sit with a person who defames other person’s name.’
Augustine became Saint Augustine. Some countries celebrate his death anniversary on June 15th.

After Augustine has passed away, he has shown a miracle by saving a child who is falling from upstairs.
This incident reminds us that SAI BABA once said I would not allow my men to fall and to become evil.

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

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