Offering of Rice Obtained through Bhiksha! …Maheneeyulu – 2020 – 16th April.

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Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

SAI BABA used to eat the food procured through the Bhiksha from the houses. When SAI BABA could not go for Bhiksha, He used to send somebody for Bhiksha.

Thikkayya Swamy attained Maha Samadhi near Naarpala. After his Maha Samadhi, his devotees brought Rice procured through the Bhiksha and offered to the Maha Samadhi of Thikkayya Swamy and the same was distributed to all.

The Rice brought for offering of Swamy was enough for 20 or 30 people only, but it remained even after serving more than 100 people.

Narpala Tikkayya Swamy was having the devotion to his Guru.

There was a liquor shop to one of devotees of Tikkayya Swamy and Tikkayya Swamy used to go to his shop and drank the liquor.

Never he got intoxicated even if he drinks more also, none could find. When one is completely intoxicated in the devotion to God, what this liquor can intoxicate him ?

The liquor shop’s proprietor once got the idea that by giving liquor to Tikkayya Swamy freely, he gets loss.

New vessels of liquor have arrived then. The covers not opened yet. Thikkayya Swamy arrived to shop to take the liquor like every day he comes.

The shop owner told him that ‘Swamy! There was no liquor today’ for which Tippayya Swamy replied ‘If not there it’s ok and saying this he went away.

Then the shop owner opened the vessel and seen there was no liquor in it at all. The shop owner rectified his mistake. Immediately searched for Swamy and fell on his feet.

‘What? There was no liquor’ saying this Thikkayya Swamy has put his hand on the vessel. Then the liquor overflowed from vessels. This miracle was spread everywhere.

Thikkayya Swamy once asked his devotee Nanjappa to carry him on his Shoulders. Nanjappa agreed and while carrying Thikkayya Swamy he thought he was just like a cotton ball only and thinking this he was walking.

After going some distance he could not carry Thikkayya Swamy and said ‘Swamy! I could not carry you’. Then Swamy laughed and said nothing to worry. Immediately his weight has become as cotton ball only to Nanjappa.

Similar incident was happened to Bayyaji Patil by SAI BABA.

Yarapa Reddy was Thikkayya Swamy’s disciple. His rivals have come to his house to put his house under fire.

At the time Yarapa Reddy was sleeping. When the rivals wanted to fire his house, they could not see any thing as their eyes has become dim.

Swamy vanished after waking up Yarapa Reddy. On seeing the position, Yarapa Reddy has taken immediate action.

In Narpala , Tikkayya Swamy left his body on Chairtra Shuddha Shasti. Generally it comes in the month of April..

Let Swamy save us from the worldly matters!

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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