Don’t forget Religious Vow to God! …Maheneeyulu – 2020 – 23nd May.

Sai Baba   ...   Sai Baba ...   Sai Baba  ...   Sai  Baba (click here)

Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Once a man while going for darshan of Kasi Vishveshwara from Sangatigunta asked permission of Nalla Mastan.

‘You are going to Kashi? Then a friend of mine who is a Nomad (Shaivite) lives there, tell him that I asked about him’ told Nalla Mastan.

When requested for some more details Nalla Mastan said ” The man got squint eyes”.

The Sangatigunta person visited Kashi . Could not get that person of Shaivite Sect.

When he was about to start from Kashi a person came to him and asked him from where he has come. ‘From Guntur’ he replied.

‘Then do you know Nalla Mastan?’ the person asked. Then he got remembered the incident and told that Nalla Mastan asked your where abouts. Both parted ways.

That Sangatigunata person came to Nalla Mastan and told him that the he met the Shaivite person.

Then Nalla Mastan started laughing. That person asked him the reason. ‘You have gone Kashi to see that person only. But when he has come to see you, you could not recognise that Shaivite  person. The person you saw was Shiva Himself’ said Nalla Mastan laughing again.

Nalla Mastan  showed Lord Shiva to his believers but Devotees could not recognise them usually. B.V.Dev could not recognise SAI BABA when he was like a Bengali Saint.

SAI BABA and Nalla Mastan both used to do Khanda Yoga. Nizam State’s resident Noorul Mustafa Khader has visited to Guntur once.

He didn’t believed in Nalla Mastan. He was ready to test him. He brought oil in a big vessel, put it on the flame, boiled it and kept it on the Nalla Mastan, who was in Meditation.

Nalla Mastan don’t have desire on body, that hottest oil could not do any harm.

Mustafa understood his mistake and become the disciple of Nalla Mastan.

Guntur Nalla Mastaj ji has left His Body on 23rd May, 1985.

Similar to SAI BABA’s Samadhi is visited Hindus and Muslims alike, Nalla Mastan’s Samadhi also gets visited by both Hindus and Muslims.

Even today there are miracles shown by Nalla Mastan. Sitaravamma of Guntur was suffering with ill health.

Doctors told her that she will die. She came to know about Nalla Mastan and vowed him. Her health has become normal.

She wanted to complete her vow. That night Nalla Mastan has appeared in her dream and told her that

‘Mother, your vow to me can be done at any time. But three years back you have vowed to break five coconuts to Lord Shiva, Mother Goddess, Nagendra Swamy, Ganapati Swamy & Ayyappa Swamy. First fulfil those vows’.

She could opened her eyes, what Nalla Mastan told her in her dream was true. He won’t allow his devotees to do mistakes.

Today is May 23rd. Nalla Mastan’s Samadhi day. Let us remember that great man.

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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