Enemy?! …Maheneeyulu – 2020 – 20th September

Sai Baba   ...   Sai Baba ...   Sai Baba  ...   Sai  Baba (click here)

Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always...Sai Baba

Dasganu, SAI BABA’s devotee could not attend a party at someone’s house in Shirdi. SAI BABA asked him the reason. ‘He was my enemy’ told Dasganu.

‘What is this party about? Who gives the party to whom? Who would eat the food? Do not say anybody as your enemy. Do not have enemy with anyone. Everybody is one. They were not separate’ told SAI BABA to Dasganu.

Once upon a time Guru Govind Singh was at war with the Muslims.

They are wounded on both sides in the army. They were thriving with thrust and dying.

The person who worked under Guru Govindsingh, a person called Kannayya was sent to Guru Govindsingh by Sikh Military.

The crime of Kannayya was that in the battle he used to give water equally to his enemies too. Guru Govindsingh has asked explanation from Kannayya.

‘I do not see any difference between our military and enemy’s military. That was why I used to give water equally to all.

Gurujee, all were born by God’s will only. All were equal in the eyes of God that you have advocates’ replied Kannayya to Guru Govindsingh.

‘He understood the Guru Bani correctly ‘Guru Govindsingh was very happy.

Kannayya was not a criminal declared Guru Govindsingh, and gave him balms etc to apply to those who wanted them. Further Kannayya was called as Bhai by Guru Govindsingh.

Not only reading, but listening, but in practice Kannayya has put in the value of singularity. This was understood by Kannayya.

Not only this, but in the battle field too the same is applied this oneness to its enemies. That was humanity’s peak.

The same thing was shown by Henry Dunant who was born in 1828 by establishing an organisation called Redcross.

Both Sadguru Guru Govindsingh and Kannayya were universal welfare’s stepping stones before 100 years of Redcross.

Bhai Kannayya has attained Mahasamadhi on September 20th, 1718.

Today is September 20th, Kannayya’s death Anniversary.

Written by:  Mullapudi Panduranga Sainath &  Munnaloori Bose.

Translated into English by: Chaganty Saibaba, Odisha & Venkateswara Rao, Hyderabad, Telengana.

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