I have had several miraculous experiences in my life and I attribute them to SAI BABA. I would like to share one of my recent experiences. Four months ago, I decided to take part in a race per one of Read more…
I came to know Sai Baba while I was living in India, about ten years ago. I made two trips to Shirdi at that time. I particularly like the quotation where Baba says, ” I will draw my devotee to Read more…
For the fulfillment’s of our lives We must surrender to you, Always, with folded hands, Because you are the embodiment’s of piety. ————-33 It is due to its water -bed That the waters of Godavari have become holy; Considered merely Read more…
Water that springs up in a hallow Is , therefore, so described or named; A “spring becomes its proper name Without the water, it is only a hallow. ————21 To spring up and to dry up and disappear, This is Read more…
And, since the Spirit Truly encompasses the whole world, Then, the “you and me” the duality concept, How can it possibly be entertained? ———-29 Water latent in the clouds Is all the same; But when it descends upon the earth, Read more…
My wife is an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and I am her supporter. Due to my job in this small pacific island nation of Nauru, my wife and daughter have been staying away in India for the past Read more…
Therefore, you, who are without a beginning, I say to you, merciful one, To destroy the mountain of ignorance Please become the thunderbolt of Indra ———–25 Until now, such hollows (beings) Have existed in large numbers, on this earth. Many Read more…
Last weekend I had the good fortune to visit Shirdi. I went in a car with three other devotees and received the most wonderful darshan. There Baba sat – like a King, while millions thronged and craned their necks to Read more…
SAIRAM Today I would like to share on of my experience with SHIRDI SAI with you. It happened in 1991, it was time when I just started believing in SAIBABA. I was doing my post graduation and I used to Read more…
This is my personal experience I am sharing with you all. Beginning of this year i.e., Jan 98, my mother had fever. Even after five days, fever did not subside. She was on antibiotics but they did not help her Read more…
BABA SAVED ME FROM HAVING MY CAR ACCIDENT Just today morning, I was going to my work in my car. I was driving the car as per the allowed speed limit around 60km / hr and also maintaining good distance Read more…
Winner : Padmaja Respected Devotees…please attempt the Quiz and be a part of Sai Baba activity. Thank you.
It happened sometime ago. I was travelling with my wife and my two little children on a major city highway. It was busy hour traffic in the junction of three major highways with most traffic leading out into the suburbs. Read more…
On December 21st evening after returning from work, kids were playing in the living room while I was cooking. I heard a news headline by accident since the cartoon cassette that my five-year-old son was watching had finished. It was Read more…
A HUMBLE TRIBUTE OF PRAISE TO SHRI SAINATH You are the very cause of this creation! That which is pure CHIATANYA ! You are that Oh, very treasure of compassion, The universe is only one of your LEELAS. ———-17 You Read more…
My husband and I own our own business and since we expanded it, we took on a lot of debt and have had all kinds of financial trouble. The worry has been terrific, as every material thing we own, our Read more…
Following is my life’s experience on Sai Baba’s blessings on me and my family, which I want to share with others. Being fed up with the existing work environment, I tried a totally new career option. All through the transition Read more…
The first leela I will write about was one that actually happened a long time before I was born. It involves my father’s father- i.e. my grandfather. He once was very sick and bed-ridden. He was half-asleep sitting alone in Read more…
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